August 9, 2022
Spotlights shine a little extra light on films and programs we think you should check out!
All that I know, I was given
The Two Spirit-directed films in this spotlight highlight the beauty and complexities of storytelling from the binary-defying perspectives of preserving and carrying ancestral teachings, histories, and cultural memory. Acknowledging intergenerational methods of sharing central to Indigenous ways of knowing, these stories share the impactful work of bridge-builders, healers, and leaders forging ties between elders and youth, and planting the seeds for generations to come.
Films in this spotlight:
Will Flowers?
Weckuwapasihtit (Those Yet to Come)
Canadian queer cinema is ever-growing and sharing an in depth reflection of diverse, honest and relatable filmmaking. Through and through, these artists have showcased that they can tell an emotionally resonating story in whichever genre they choose. Each of these picks is a hard hitting and wonderful film that you won’t be able to tear your eyes away from. Queer Canadian films are stronger than ever, and with these filmmakers as representatives for what’s to come, there are sure to be a lot more wonderful stories waiting to come out
Films in this spotlight:
Fresh Meat
Dandelion Green
Métis Femme Bodies
Queerness lends itself to experimentation by nature. The films in this spotlight embrace the infinitely diverse nature of experimental filmmaking through their fluid, malleable, undefinable states. Queer lives are their own experimental process, and this leads us to be drawn to non-linear modes of expression, and the experiential, the non-narrative, and alternative ways of interpreting the world. Experimental film is an opportunity to share the deeply personal and true, and bypass pre-tread narrative conventions entirely. We are constantly inventing new ways of being and doing. This is a space of bold ideas and resistance
Films in this spotlight:
동충하초 (Winter Insect, Summer Flower)
my body is a place, just like any other
The films in this spotlight highlight the strength and power of finding our communities. There is a place for us. Watch as we explore spaces and moments of safety, love, and compassion, whether we are inviting new people into our lives, creating spaces for joy, gathering and reflection, chosen family and community is central to queer connection and futurity! This collection of short films perfectly showcase the essence of togetherness, and after everything that has happened in the past year, these artists have brought comforting stories that instill and maintain hope for us to find our community as we look forward.
Films in this spotlight:
Little Sky
Class Transitions
Death & Bowling
Subtitle for This Block
In solidarity with global queer liberation, this spotlight examines contested spaces forqueer people. In regions where governments
repress the rights of queer communities, strengthening the relationship between sexual politics and the state, people with non-conforming genders and sexual orientations have historically been punished for transgressing social norms. The disparities faced by Black and Brown people during the global pandemic in both North American and non-western LGBTQIA communities are cause for dire concern. The Queering Place spotlight centers audacious filmmaking that dares to make visible the compounded effect of homophobia, colonialism and displacement.
Films in this spotlight:
Prayers for Sweet Waters